
Operative difficulty in laparoscopic cholecystectomy: considering the role of machine learning platforms in clinical practice

Figure 1. Intraoperative grades: Grade 1: Thin wall, normal-appearing gallbladder, no adhesions (Top left). Grade 2: Mildly abnormal-appearing GB (slightly thick-walled or distended) And/or thin-filmy GB adhesions (Top right). Grade 3: Moderately abnormal appearing GB (thick-walled, oedematous, with mucocele, or large distended gallbladder. And/or overlying moderate adhesions (Bottom left). Grade 4: Severely inflamed or grossly abnormal-appearing GB (e.g., necrotic or perforated). And/or extensive dense adhesions (Bottom right).

Artificial Intelligence Surgery
ISSN 2771-0408 (Online)
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